Case 3: Before no-prep veneers Case 3: After no-prep veneers Case 3: Before closing teeth gaps Case 3: After closing teeth gaps
“The latest trend in orthodontic facial rejuvenation is cosmetic dentistry straightened, white teeth. More and more, we see adults, 20 and over, signing up for years of metal or plastic braces to straighten their smile. With the average cost of braces in New York being high, and having it hard to climb the corporate ladder, or date, with a mouth full of braces, we now have options beyond braces. Now, new approaches to orthodontic smile design eliminate the need for braces in adults, and gives a beautiful, rejuvenating and completely functional smile in just a few visits over a few weeks,” says Dr. K. Michael Ghalili, Clinical Professor and Director of the International Aesthetic Department at New York University College of Dentistry.
This orthodontic dental procedure eliminates the need for braces for the vast majority of adults who have crowding of the front teeth, or gaps between the teeth. It can also correct overbites and cross-bites. Through this new approach of using teeth veneers to straighten your teeth, sometimes with minimal preparation of the teeth, allows you to have a beautiful, sustainable and highly functional smile with minimum maintenance needed.
On the first visit, Dr. Ghalili evaluates the patient’s teeth and determines whether or not the person is a good candidate for this technique of using teeth veneers to straighten teeth instead of braces. Diagnostic impressions are taken and the final outcome is displayed on a computer generated screen or they are duplicated on diagnostic buildup models and reviewed with the patient. Since these models are an exact duplicate of the patient’s mouth, the patient can see what the final restoration and outcome will be before they have any work done. The teeth are then shaped to receive the final restoration. The veneers are placed, usually on the second visit, and the work is done. The lips are better supported and veered to give a full and youthful look with straighter, natural appearing, white teeth. One of the major advantages of this treatment over traditional braces, besides the minimal pain and the extremely fast results, is the reliability and predictability of the procedure.