Lumineers (No-Prep Veneers)

Many patients that visit Dr. Ghalili’s office are looking to improve their smile. Perhaps they aren’t satisfied with the color of their teeth, or maybe their teeth are not as straight and aligned as they once were. Some individuals are often concerned about the shape of their teeth, or about crooked teeth that may be ruining the look of an almost-perfect smile. Although many of these situations can be addressed with traditional orthodontics, many adults do not want to go through the time and expense of having metal braces on their teeth in order to make some minor readjustments. One popular choice for many individuals is veneers, and Lumineers are just the ticket for those looking for a fast, affordable way to improve their smile.

Lumineers are the most advanced type of veneers, and are dubbed as “no prep” veneers. Veneers are thin “shells” that are placed over existing teeth in order to correct color, size, or shape of a tooth. Unlike porcelain veneers, Lumineers do not require the teeth to be filed down at all, allowing them to keep the structure and integrity of the natural tooth intact. In addition, they do not require anesthesia, and can be done within a day or two while in the dentist’s chair.

Dr. Ghalili is one of the pioneers of no-prep veneers, having helped patients improve their smile with Lumineers for over 20 years. He has hundreds of satisfied patients who have enjoyed the benefits of Lumineers, and continues to find success in applying Lumineers for his patients.

If you are considering an affordable alternative to traditional metal braces or teeth whitening procedures, consider Lumineers to help improve the imperfections in your smile. With just a visit or two, you will experience a beautiful and an amazing transformation in your smile! You won’t regret taking the time and money to spend on yourself and your smile once you see the breathtaking results of Lumineers!

Dr. Michael Ghalili Cosmetic Dentistry
65 West 55th Street, Suite 305
New York, NY, 10019

(212) 581-5360 |

Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm

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